
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Microwavable Chocolate Cake in a Mug – Low Fat

Microwave Cake
Cake in a Mug
I have been hearing about these "Cake in a Mug" recipes for quite sometime now (TV shows/Friends) but never got the time or the urge to try one as we always had something chocolatey in the house to munch upon.
So yesterday night while watching a horror movie (Yes, Horror :) I had this crazy urge to have a warm ooey gooey chocolate cake (which wasn't there in the house).....But I didnt wanted to kill the movie by going through the cake making process n baking at night.......FINALLY got to make this very much in vogue mug cake.
Here's the recipe for a "low fat" cake in a mug which I wanted to top with fresh fruit but lack of time !!! Serve/Consume this cake as soon as it's made, If you plan to serve later, pour some sweet syrup on it OR serve it with ice-cream. (As it gets little chewy once cold)

*** While microwaving the cake, it will rise n puff over the edges, DON’T WORRY, it will puff down once the timer is done. 

Serves: 2
Serving Suggestion: Serve Warm with toppings of your choice.

1 Microwavable Mug – (Large mug that can hold more than 1cup of liquid)
1 Small Bowl – For mixing dry Ingredients – Optional
1 Fork

Microwave Mug Cake Process
4 Tbsp All Purpose Flour
1 Tbsp Olive Oil – You may use any flavorless oil or margarine as per choice
2 Tbsp Skim Milk
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar - You may use regular sugar
1 Sachet Splenda – You may use any sugar substitute or use regular sugar as per choice
2 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1 Pinch Baking Powder
1 Pinch Salt
1 Egg – You may substitute this with just egg whites as per choice

1 Tbsp Powdered Sugar – For Decoration - Optional
1 Tsp Olive Oil - For greasing the Mug

Prep: Grease the microwavable mug with 1tsp of oil, making sure to evenly grease the top edges so that 
          cake doesn't stick to it in the microwave. 
  1. In a bowl add flour, sugar, splenda, cocoa, baking powder and salt. Mix to combine everything evenly. (Dry Ingredients) Pic1
  2. Add egg to the greased mug and whisk with a fork for 30sec. Pic2
  3. Now add 2Tbsp of dry Ingredients to the mug, whisk into a smooth bather using a fork. Pic3  
  4. Add the remaining dry Ingredients and whisk everything together for a minute.Pic4
  5. Microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. (Check with a toothpick, if cake batter is still gooey, microwave for up to 10 seconds. Pic5 & 6
  6. Decorate with powdered sugar and serve warm.


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