
Monday, June 25, 2012

Salted Cucumber Lassi - Yogurt Drink

Come summers and all you wanna do is have lots n lots of chilled shakes/drinks and the first thing that comes to my mind is a fresh n chilled "Lassi" (Yogurt Drink)a  traditional drink from India, made from yogurt, water and sweet/salt. We do have many versions of lassi but my personnel favorite is the salted lassi with some kind of flavor. 
Here's the recipe of "Chilled Salted Cucumber Lassi" which is extremely simple, equally delicious and needs two main ingredients which most of us have in our kitchen.
Also, Yogurt, Cucumber and Cumin are all cooling agents hence great for our digestion specially in summers. It's also a great beverage for people who follow a low calorie diet (Just substitute with fat free yogurt)

Serves: 2
Serving Suggestion: Can be served as breakfast shake OR along with Lunch OR Dinner

Electric Hand Blender
Large Jar
2 Tall Glasses

1 Cup Plain Yogurt
2 Tbsp Cucumber - Chopped
½ Cup Ice Cubes
1 Tsp Salt
½ Tsp Cumin Powder

  1. Add yogurt, cucumber, salt in a large jar and blend on high for 2min (Till cucumber is completely dissolved).
  2. Now add ice-cubes and blend again till ice-cubes are crushed completely.
  3. Pour in tall glasses, sprinkle with cumin powder and serve chilled.

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