
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tip Tuesday: 07/24/12 - Raw Curry Paste

Hello Tuesday !!!! when we start making any curry dish, there are 3 very basic Ingredients that are always required-Onion, Garlic n Ginger. And most of the time, a lot of us have done this or still do, that we start from scratch that is, we make onion paste, then ginger-garlic paste and cook it together.
So for all those curries or non curry dishes where we use onion, garlic-ginger paste together, we can make a huge batch of it before hand, store and use it as n when required.
I know a lot of us have thought of this before but many a times due to not getting enough time, laziness or forget-fullness, we don't end up doing it.
But TRUST ME, it "SAVES" tons of time n effort especially when we are really short on time.

So here's a simple trick/tip which I religiously follow every weekend:
4-5 Large Raw Onions (Peeled n Cubed) I prefer the taste of white onions, you may use any onion as per choice)
1/2 Cup Fresh Ginger (Peeled n Cubed)
1/4 Cup Fresh Garlic (Peeled)

  1. Put them in a food grinder(wet grinder) and make a thin paste using as little water as you can. (Incase you have added too much water, then once the paste is ready, drain excess water using a sieve)
  2. Now once the paste is ready, you can store all of it in 2-3 air tight container depending on size (make sure they are air-tight as this paste leaves a very bad odor in the fridge and everything end up smelling oniony :( YUCK)
  3. Incase you end up more than you can consume that week, then you can even freeze these for 1-2week (they remain as good as they are even after de-freezing them)

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