
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Savory Indian Style French Toast

Savory French Toast
"French Toast" is quite a favorite recipe of my house and for me this is what french toast was all about since my childhood. During my initial days in USA, we had gone out to eat and I remember one of this restaurant served  french toast and I ordered the same without even looking at the menu as I was so confident that it will be the same savory bite. To my surprise, the toast turned out to be sweet, dusted with sugar and served with cream and strawberry. So the first thing I did while coming back restaurant was "GOOGLE" the dish and that's when I came to know that it had so many varieties :) So the version I'm sharing is a Savory French Toast, just the way we it's popular in India !!!

Serves: 2
Serving Suggestion: Perfect for Breakfast and serve Hot/Fresh 

1 Large nonstick pan
1 Large Bowl
Electric Whisker OR Blender

3 Large Eggs
6 Slices of Bread – You can use bread of your choice
¼ Cup Milk – Warm
¼ Cup Onion – Thinly Grated
¼ Cup Boiled Potatoes – Thinly Grated
4 Tbsp Cheese –  Thinly Grated (I’m using parmesan, you may you as choice)
2 Tbsp Chili Flakes – Use as per taste
2 Tsp Salt – Use as per taste
¼ Cup Oil – For Sautéing


  1. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs for 2 min, add milk and whisk for another minute.
  2. Add onion, potatoes, cheese, chili flakes and salt to the egg mixture and whisk for another minute till everything is well combined.
  3. Heat the large nonstick pan over medium heat, dab it with oil and reduce the heat to low.
  4. Now, take a slice of bread, soak it in the egg mixture on both side and place it on the heated pan for 1min.
  5. Turn the slice to another side for 1min and when both sides are golden brown, it’s ready to serve.
  6. Serve Hot.

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